
Hey! I'm Catie. A happily married, stay at home mom to two beautiful girls.

Unfortunately, they were both colicky and I had a very difficult time breastfeeding for the first several months with both of them. Thankfully, I had enough people in my life to encourage me to continue breastfeeding and that is absolutely what kept me going.

Well, that and knowing that breastfeeding is the BEST I can give my babies.

I'm proud to say I nursed my first child until she was 16 months and will continue to nurse my second baby until... I stop.

This blog is about my journey in breastfeeding and a few things I've learned along the way. Why do I feel the need to blog about it, you ask? It's therapeutic.

Oh... and I really have a desire to encourage other mothers to push through their difficulties and experience the satisfaction of knowing you have given your baby the very best start. :) I'm so glad I did.

Disclaimer: Any of my advice or thoughts on breastfeeding should NOT replace medical professional advice or counseling. I will not be held responsible for complications or medical problems that might arise upon following any information from my blog.

Please contact your local lactation consultant for breastfeedin help and medical advice. If you aren't sure how to find a lactation consultant in your area, go to Le Leche League International.